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Septic Tank Information & Advice

How do I register my Septic Tank

How do I register and pay the registration fee?

Online – – by credit card/debit card.

By Post: Payment can be made by cheque, postal order or bank draft and made payable to “Protect Our Water”. Send your form with payment to: Protect Our Water, P.O Box 12204, Dublin 7. Registration forms are available online; from City/County Councils; Libraries; Citizen Information Centres or Lo Call 1890 800 800  or 00353-1-2224000.

Telephone:1890 800 800 or 00353-1-5242274

How to safely spread sludge from your septic tank

Information for farmers who want to spread sludge from their own septic tank or wastewater treatment system on their own agricultural land please click here

Waste Water Treatment Plants

Offaly County Council on behalf of Uisce Éireann operates 27 Waste Water Treatment Works throughout the County.

Effective wastewater (sewage) treatment is an essential function of Uisce Éireann.  Municipal sewage, i.e. sewage produced in a town or city, is high in both solids and nutrients, which if left untreated, can cause significant environmental pollution. The purpose of wastewater treatment is to collect and treat municipal sewage to an acceptable standard and to discharge the treated water to a suitable watercourse (e.g. a local river). It is therefore critical that the treated water does not negatively impact on the quality of the receiving waters. 

Offaly County Council on behalf of Uisce Éireann operates 27 Waste Water Treatment Works throughout the County. The Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations, 2007 (S.I. 684 of 2007) legislated for the EPA to issue Discharge Licences for  Wastewater Treatment Works serving a population equivalent of 500 or over and Certificates of Authorisation to those treating populations less than 500. 

Please click on the link below for Wastewater Discharge Licenses and Certificates of Authorisation in Offaly: