Offaly Libraries together with Laois Libraries are delighted to co-deliver a free series of talks and workshops for parents at various stages throughout the year. Supported by Laois Offaly Children and Young People’s Services Committees ( CYPSC ), the Parenting Support Programme invites experts to discuss a broad range of parenting topics currently impacting our children.
The programme, beginning in September 2024, will be open to everyone including parents, caregivers, healthcare professionals, teachers, special needs assistants and those working with children and young people.
Details of all events can be found in our digital booklet here and summarised below:
Birr Events
Transitioning from Pre-school to Primary School
Wednesday, 4th September, 18.30
Parent and Child Wellbeing Workshops Una Curran
Saturday, 14th September, 10.30
Toddler Talk (Parent Information Session) – Talking Buddies
Tuesday, 8th October, 10.30
Music Generation Workshop (0-7 years)
Saturday, 9th November,11:00
Booking is essential for all events.
Call Birr Library on 057 912 4950 or email
birrlibrary@offalycoco.ie to book.
Clara Events
Talking Buddies, Toddler Talk
Tuesday, 10th September, 10.30
Family Fun Music and Games-Adriana von Runic (Ages 0-3 years)
Tuesday, 29th October, 11:30
Booking is essential. Call Clara Library on 057 933 1389 or email claralibrary@offalycoco.ie to book your spot.

Edenderry Events
Transitioning from Pre-school to Primary School
Friday, 6th September, 10.30
Helping a Child Who Worries-Dr. Helen Vaughan
Wednesday, 25th Sept., 18.30
Parent and Child Yoga- Tina Kennedy
Wednesday, 16th October, 18.30
Effective Advocacy – 10 Steps to getting what you need for your child (DESSA)
Wednesday, 30th October, 18.00
Toddler Talk- Talking Buddies-(Parent Information Session)
Tuesday, 3rd December, 10.30
Booking is essential for all events.
Call Edenderry Library on 046 973 1028 or email edenderrylibrary@offalycoco.ie to book.
Banagher Events
Art Therapy- Katie O’Donoghue
Friday, 1st November, 15:00
Music Generation (Ages 0-7) Saturday,16th November, 11:00
Booking is essential. Call Banagher Library on 057 9151471 or email banagherlibrary@offalycoco.ie to book your spot.
Tullamore Events
Transitioning from Pre-school to Primary School
3rd September 18.30
Budget Information Session: Tips and Advice
Wednesday 11th October at 10:30
Play Sing Move- Talking Buddies Nursery Rhyme Group
Fridays 11th,18th, 25th October 10.30
Teen Dating Talk – Anne Clarke,
Offaly Domestic Violence Support Services
Tuesday, 15th October, 18.30
Family Fake Away Sessions-Hey Pesto
Wednesday, 30th October, 11.30
Managing the Terrible Twos (at any age)- Patricia McLoughlin
Friday, 15th November, 11:00
Look Who’s Talking Baby- Talking Buddies
Tuesday, 5th November,10.30
Music Generation (0-7 years)
Saturday, 23rd November, 11:00
Booking is essential for all events.
Call Tullamore Library on 057 934 6832 or email
tullamorelibrary@offalycoco.ie to book.