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Notice of Part 8 Proposed Development New road layout in the vicinity of Bury Bridge (Whitehall Bridge), Puttaghan, Tullamore, Co. Offaly.

PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000, AS AMENDED (SECTION 179) PART 8 OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 2001(AS AMENDED) New road layout in the vicinity of Bury Bridge (Whitehall Bridge), Puttaghan, Tullamore, Co. Offaly.

Notice is hereby given that Offaly County Council proposes the following works at Puttaghan, Tullamore, Co Offaly:

  • The provision of new kerbing and footpaths on the L-2023-1 at Convent Rd and Bury Bridge (Whitehall bridge) in order to facilitate pedestrians crossing the bridge.
  • Narrowing of the carriageway on Bury Bridge to accommodate one -way vehicular traffic
  • Tightening of the junction at St Brigid’s Place and Convent Road
  • Provision of three controlled pedestrian crossings on Daingean Rd and Convent Road.
  • Provision of an uncontrolled crossing on the junction of Bury Bridge and Daingean Road.
  • Signage and lining, indicating one-way traffic
  • All associated ancillary works.

The proposed development will be within or adjoining the curtilage of the  protected structure  23-284 Bury Bridge, Puttaghan.

Offaly County Council has carried out a preliminary examination of the nature, size and location of the proposed development and has determined that the proposed development will not have significant effects on the environment and does not require an Environmental Impact Assessment.

Any person may, within 4 weeks beginning on 25th July, apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

The development has also been the subject of an Appropriate Assessment screening in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The Appropriate Assessment screening concluded that the proposed development individually or in combination with other  projects is unlikely to have significant impacts on any European site and that therefore a stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is not necessary.

Submissions and observations

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the offices of :

  1. Offaly County Council, Áras an Chontae, Charleville Road, County Offaly.
  2. Tullamore Municipal District, Acres Hall, Cormac Street, Tullamore, County Offaly

for a period beginning on 25th of July 2024 and ending on 22nd August 2024. The plans and particulars are also available to view below

Part 8 Bury Bridge Drawings

Public Notice Part 8, Bury Bridge new layout

AA Screening Report

EIAS Bury Bridge new layout

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the areas in which the development would be situated may be made in writing to Roads Section, Offaly County Council, Áras an Chontae, Charleville Road, Tullamore, County Offaly not later than the 5th of September 2024.

Submissions should be clearly marked as “New road Layout at Bury Bridge”.

Mr. Tom Shanahan, Director of Services, Offaly County Council, Áras an Chontae, Charleville Road,
Tullamore, County Offaly.