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Get Lost in a Good Book for Ireland Reads ¦ Saturday, February 24th

Throughout February and especially on Ireland Reads Day, February 24th, we’re calling on people across Ireland to get lost in a good book. It doesn’t matter what you read, where you read or how well you read, as long as you read.

Because taking time to relax and do things you enjoy is important and reading is good for you. It relaxes your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles. Studies have even shown that reading boosts your mental health by reducing stress by up to 68%.​

Ireland Reads is an initiative of the Government of Ireland to celebrate the joy of reading. It is funded by Healthy Ireland and supported by public libraries and many organisations that promote reading, literacy and the arts.

All you have do is sit down for a read, for as long or as short a time as you can, and lose yourself in an adventure, a thriller, a romance, a comedy or all of the above.

So, come browse the shelves in our libraries or explore the catalogue online and find the perfect book to get lost in!

Meet the Author!

We have a number of author visits happening around the county this February in the lead up to Ireland Reads Day.
Spend an evening with some of Ireland’s beloved authors: Patricia Gibney and Geraldine O’Neill in person, and Mark O’Connell via an online Zoom.

Patricia Gibney
Edenderry Library
February 14th
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Mark O’Connell
Online at Tullamore Library
February 22nd
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Patricia Gibney
Birr Library
February 28th
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