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Mortgage to Rent Scheme.

The Mortgage to Rent (MTR) scheme is a government scheme to help homeowners who are at risk of losing their homes due to mortgage arrears.

Whether you have a loan with the Local Authority or with another commercial lender, and you are having ongoing difficulty with mortgage repayments you may qualify for a Mortgage to Rent scheme. The scheme has strict qualifying criteria with regard to your income, for the value of the property and for the individual circumstances of arrangements you have entered into with your lender.

The benefit to you is that you protect your home from repossession, but you move from being the owner to being a tenant of an approved housing body, with your local authority having first deemed you to be in need of social housing support.  For more information, visit

In all cases you initially approach your lender to discuss this option.

An overview, including qualification criteria, is supplied on the housing agency website.