Offaly Local Economic & Community Plan 2023-2028 – High Level Goals Consultation

Offaly County Council and Offaly Local Community Development Committee held a consultation process as part of preparing a new integrated Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) for the 6 year period 2023-2028. The new LECP will set out the objectives and actions which are needed to promote and support the economic and local community development of County Offaly.
A review of the previous LECP has been carried out which has informed the development of 4 high level goals for the next LECP, all of which are now available for feedback. The proposed High Level Goals cover the themes of (1) Supporting Sustainable, Inclusive, and Empowered Communities, (2) Healthy Placemaking, (3) Economic Opportunity and (4) Climate Action. The goals are intended to be ambitious but should also be achievable and realistic.
To inform the process Offaly LCDC prepared the following documents which are available on the Offaly County Council website using the links below:
A: Socio Economic Statement and High Level Goals Document
B: Offaly Socio Economic Profile
C: Offaly Economic Strategy and Action Plan 2022-2027
Lourda Giles, A/Chief Officer, Offaly LCDC, Community Section, Offaly County Council, Charleville Road, Tullamore, R35 F893
Your views help to shape the direction the next Local Economic & Community Plan will take. Your submissions will be reviewed and summarised, and recommendations will be made in response to them.
LECP Questionnaire available for completion.