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Healthy Offaly Plan

The Department approved €14,000 towards the development of a Healthy Offaly strategic plan in 2017; and Nollaig O Sullivan was awarded the tender for the development of this plan. In developing the plan, Nollaig reviewed existing actions underway by partner agencies in the county, and identified up to five key priority areas of work under each of the key themes in the Healthy Ireland framework: –

  1. physical health
  2. mental health
  3. sexual health
  4. healthy weight
  5. alcohol, tobacco and substance misuse

Focus groups, one to one interviews and a consultation day were held to inform the development of the plan.

In May 2018, the Healthy Offaly strategic plan was adopted by the Offaly Local Development Committee and Offaly County Council; while on the 14th June 2018, the plan was officially launched.

To oversee the implementation of the Healthy Offaly Plan, a Healthy Offaly team has been established. This team is an amalgam of the Building Healthy Communities group (an Offaly Local Development Company initiative) and the Healthy Offaly working group (established by Offaly Local and Community Development Committee (Offaly LCDC) in 2017). Thh team will adopt an inter-agency model of operation using community development approaches to work directly with local communities to implement actions that address the determinants of health in their communities. The team will have the following joint operational focus areas: –

  • implementation of the Healthy Offaly strategy 2018 – 2020
  • improve and support positive mental health and suicide awareness in communities in Offaly
  • facilitate communities to develop positive responses and plans to emerging community issues; and develop their own capacity, skills and ability to respond to these issues
  • support parents in county Offaly

An annual Healthy Offaly work plan will be drafted and submitted for approval to Offaly LCDC. On approval, the work plan will be submitted to Healthy Ireland to secure funding to implement the actions outlined in the annual work plan. Furthermore, the team will monitor the implementation of these actions, and will make bi annual progress reports to Offaly LCDC; submit an annual report to the December meeting of Offaly LCDC; and address any reporting requirements for the programme to Healthy Ireland 

Check out the Healthy Offaly plan below: –