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Fire and Emergency Information and Advice

The aim of our service is to prevent the occurrence of fire, to protect life and property people living throughout the county.We also promote safer communities by preventing accidents and emergencies from happening as well as protecting people and the environment from danger.

The mission of Offaly County Fire & Rescue Service is

  • To enhance our response to fire and emergency incidents, by improved training and adequate resources.
  • To ensure that the fire safety of new buildings are planned and built in accordance with the building regulations
  • To ensure that places of public assembly are operated in accordance with the relevant legislation and codes of practice.
  • To encourage public awareness of fire safety.

Fire Service Operations

Fire operations relate to the resources that Offaly County Council has to respond quickly and efficiently to fires and other emergencies throughout the county. This response consists of a pre-determined turnout of appliances and equipment based on the nature and location of the incident. Turnout involves the mobilisation of the fire fighting crews and the appropriate fire appliances.

The operational fire service in County Offaly is a retained Fire Service i.e. fire fighters carry a pager and are expected to report to a fire station within 5 minutes and go mobile to the incident as is the norm in rural Ireland.

The operational service within Offaly is provided by crew of retained fire fighters reporting to a Retained Station Officer who in turn reports to the Assistant Chief Fire Officer/ Senior Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Operations), who is a professional technically qualified officer. In addition one Senior Fire officer is rostered on call each week to assist in the handling of emergency incidents.

Fire Stations

Central Fire Station, Tullamore

Offaly Fire and Rescue Service is a service of Offaly County Council which is run by the Chief Fire Officer.

There are presently five stations in the county, more information on each can be found by clicking on the station name on the left of this page.

The number of calls to each Station is listed below, these calls included Chimney Fires, Car/Vehicle Fires, Bog and Forest Fires, Hazardous Materials Incidents, Rescues, Flooding, Road Traffic Collisions and Assistance to other Emergency Services

No Calls by Station 2010 – 2015

Clara117          941119514810296


Offaly Fire and Rescue Service is run by the Chief Fire Officer, 2 Senior Assistant Chief Fire Officers and 2 Assistant Chief Fire Officers.

Chief Fire Officer Mr. Eoin O’ Ceileachair

Senior Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Operations) Mr. Clive Duke
Senior Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Prevention) Mr. Nick Smyth

Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Operations & MEM) Mr. Denis Canty
Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Building Control Officer) Mr. Michael Hogan

Any of the above Officers may be contacted through the Central Fire Station at Kilcruttin Tullamore Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm.


 Google Map Co-ordinates

Tullamore Fire Station53.275832,-7.504005
Edenderry Fire Station53.337209, -7.063856
Birr Fire Station53.102090, -7.909433
Ferbane Fire Station53.273057, -7.828527
Clara Fire Station53.342198, -7.611841

Codes of Practice

All the codes of practice can be found on the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government website