Community Recognition Fund 2023
Offaly County Council is delighted to announce that on the 18th May 2023 the Department of Rural & Community Development approved grant funding of over €600,000 to 26 community projects in Offaly who were successful under the Community Recognition Fund 2023. The grants were recommended for approval by the Offaly Local and Community Development Committee (LCDC) on Thursday 9th March 2023.
This funding aims to support the development of community infrastructure and facilities in Offaly in recognition of the contribution being made by communities in welcoming and hosting significant numbers of arrivals from Ukraine and other countries.
This funding was specifically targeted at projects that are located in communities, towns and villages that are hosting the Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection and/or International Protection Applicants (‘new arrivals’) including towns identified for the rapid build homes programme. The fund aims to support the development of facilities that will be used in the future by all members of the community.
In Offaly, the funding will be spent in nine areas which were identified as having significant numbers of Ukrainians and other new arrivals. The towns were as follows: Tullamore, Portarlington, Birr, Kilcormac, Moneygall, Banagher, Shannonbridge, Clara and Dunkerrin.
The list of successful projects is attached here