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C. Civil Defence Medical Response

Medical Response:

Civil Defence is a recognised training institute by the Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC). All volunteers must complete CFR training when joining and also recertify every two years by Local CFR Instructors. Volunteers can progress through the various medical training courses as follows.

  • CFR – Cardaic First Response.
  • FAR – First Aid Response.
  • EFR – Emergency First Responder.
  • EMT – Emergency Medical Technician.

Volunteers provide Medical support at various local community and National events across the Country such as sporting events, Concerts and local authority run events in each County. Having a first aid qualification allows the Volunteer to progress in this area and a majority of our Volunteers and Instructors work for the fronline statutory Ambulance Service providers as EMT’S , they provide these skills to support the volunteer members in further training and progression.