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Broadband Connection Points

National Broadband Plan and Broadband Connection Points

2021 Q4 Review (December 2021) :

Press Releases are sent at Survey & Build phase for each Deployment Area, and copies can be found here:

For the most up to date information on the areas that are under survey & build at present, please visit The National Broadband Plan (NBP) is the Government’s plan to deliver high speed broadband services to all businesses, farms and households in Ireland. It will ensure that people living and working in rural areas have the same digital opportunities as those in urban areas. The NBP is being delivered by National Broadband Ireland. 

Broadband Connection Points (BCPs) are among the first premised to be connected under the National Broadband Plan and are located in some of the most isolated and rural communities in the county; latest.

On other NBP news, in Offaly we have benefitted to date from the start of technical surveys for service provision, where we are adjacent to the proposed Points of Handover (PoHs) of NBP backhaul (the large pipe connection to the internet). Sites where surveys have commenced so far are those adjacent to Nenagh and Roscrea in the southern section of the county, and where the Mullingar PoH network reached in to Offaly in the northern area of Offaly. The preparation works will take some time to do so that rollout and connectivity can be streamlined when service delivery commences Please be patient with this process as it will pay off in due course. To check if you can get broadband services under the NBP, enter your postcode in the interactive map managed by DCCAE, here. The NBP services the ‘Amber’ areas of Ireland.

Offaly BCPs can be located on the MyConnectedCommunitywebsite.

Broadband Service Providers

National Broadband Ireland
Broadband Deals