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New Building Control Regulations 2014

These Regulations come into effect on the 1st March 2014.

A Guidance Note can be downloaded from here.

In summary, the new Building Control Amendment Regulations require the following documents to be electronically submitted at in accordance with Statutory Instrument S.I. 9 2014

Commencement Stage:

  • A Revised Commencment Notice
  • General arrangement drawings;
  • A schedule of design documents as are currently prepared or to be prepared;
  • An online- assessment via the Building Control Management System of the proposed approach to compliance with the requirements of the Building Regulations 1997 to 2014;
  • The preliminary inspection plan;
  • A Certificate of Compliance (Design);
  • Notices of Assignment in respect of the Builder who will carry out the  works and of the Assigned Certifier who will inspect and certify the works;
  • Certificates of Compliance signed by the Builder and the Assigned Certifier undertaking to carry-out their roles in accordance with the Requirements of the Building Regulations.

Note 1: The Designer and the Assigned Certifier must be a Chartered Engineer, or Registered Architect or Registered Building Surveyor.   

Note: 2 Also Documentation held on file by a building control authority relevant to works or a building included on the statutory register will be accessible to any person who subsequently acquires an interest in the building concerned.

Note 3: You should be also be aware that if you omit to submit a valid commencement notice, you may be unable to get a Completion Certificate for the building and this may have serious long term consequences.