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Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian deaths account for 1 in 5 deaths of our roads.  Walking is an every day activity for most people. Walking, even recreational walking involves mixing with other pedestrian cyclists and motorists.  Pedestrians need to behave responsibly, exercise care and not endanger or inconvenience other uses of the road when walking. 

Walking Beside or along a road

If there is a footpath you must use it.

If there is no footpath, you must walk as near as possible to the right hand side of the road facing the oncoming traffic.

Do not walk more than two abreast.  If the road is narrow or carries heavy traffic you should walk in single file.

You should always wear reflective clothing when walking outside built up areas at night.

You should always carry a torch when walking at night. 

Crossing the Road

Look for a safe pace to cross

Stop & Wait near the edge of the road

Look right and left and listen for traffic.

Let any traffic travelling in each direction pass and then look right and left again. 

Quickly walk across the road when it is clear. 

While crossing continue to watch and listen for traffic coming. 

Don’t cross at a corner or bend in the road

Don’t cross near the brow of a hill

Don’t cross near or at park vehicles. 

Don’t cross where there are guard rails along the footpath

Don’t run across the road

Safety Crossing Places include zebra crossings, pedestrian lights and traffic lights.

Walking at Night

Visibility on roads and paths is often poor at night. 

  • Be Seen – always wear reflective clothing when walking at night e.g Armband, Jacket.  Also, carry a flash light t increase your visibility. 
  • Be Safe – Walk with someone else or somewhere where people can see you.