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Private Rental Tenants


Offaly County Council is aware that households in the area may have received a Notice of Termination from their landlord and may be unsure about what to do.   Anybody who has received a Notice and who has no alternative accommodation can contact the Council.  The first response will be to support households to try and prevent homelessness.

If you are privately renting and have received a Notice of Termination and are eligible to apply for social housing support but have not yet done so you should immediately complete an application form for social housing support available by filling out the social housing application form and certificate of income  both of which will be required for an assessment or contacting the office on 057 934 6800 or 057 935 7409

If you are privately renting and have received a Notice of Termination and are in receipt of a HAP payment, then you should immediately contact the office for advice and assistance.

If you have received a Notice of Termination and are not eligible to apply for social housing support the Council can provide advice and assistance.   If the Landlord wishes to sell the property you should complete the CRTiS application form by clicking here and then email it to as you may, following assessment, be eligible to apply for the CRTiS Scheme.   A member of staff will be in contact with you directly by telephone.   If the Notice of Termination is for another reason, then you should contact the office on 0579346800 or 057 935 7409 for advice and assistance.

Further detail on Temporary Cost Rental Tenant in Situ (CRTiS) Scheme

The Cost Rental Tenant-in-Situ Scheme is available for tenants of private rented property who have been served a Notice of Termination due to Landlord selling the property who are not eligible for social housing and are at risk of homelessness.

Offaly County Council is the first point of contact in the area for this scheme, but it is managed by the Housing Agency. Under the scheme the Housing Agency can purchase a property and rent it to the tenant. The Council will undertake an initial assessment of the tenant’s circumstances and refer details to the Housing Agency for consideration, where the tenant is at risk of homelessness and the Cost Rental Tenant-in-Situ Scheme may apply. 

If a tenant wishes to purchase their home, they may apply to the Council for a loan under the Local Authority Home Loan scheme, details available here or to any private lending institution.

The Council is aware that the Government is examining implementing a ‘right of first refusal’ for tenants to purchase their homes, as well as expanding the First Home shared equity scheme but that does not preclude you from entering into an agreement to purchase with your landlord in the meantime. Additional information will be provided on the Council’s website as and when available.

Tenant Support Services and advice on tenant rights is available on and on