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Civil Defence Cosaint Shibhialta: Roles -Responsibilities:

Department of Defence:

Civil Defence Policy is set down by the Minister of Defence through the Civil Defence Branch of the Department of DefenceThe Department is also responsible for the strategic management and development of Civil Defence at national level. As well as providing a maximum 70% grant aid the department provodes other supports to the Local Civil Defence Units across the Country, such as central training for local Instructors in a ” train the trainer” system, through the Civil Defence College in Roscrea. The department also supllies vehicles, equipment, uniforms, and personal protective equipment for Civil Defence volunteers.

Local Authority :

The Local Authority has overall responsibility for the day to day oper ations within their respective local Authority. The key person within the Local Authority in the context of Civil Defence is the Civil Defence Officer (CDO). In most counties the Civil Defence Officer is also supported by the Assiatant Civil Defence Officer (ACDO). Both positions are full time employees of the Local Authority.

The Civil Defence Officers Role is to deliver on Civil Defence policy and administer Civil Defence Services in the Local Authority. The CDO is also responsible for recruiting, organising, and managing volunteer training and insuring all Volunteers meet the minimum training standards (MTS). The CDO also represents the Local Authority on local emergrncy planning structures and develops strong relationships with key local personnel within the Principal Response Agencies.