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At Home in the World Killane Edenderry

Artist: Ceara Conway
Title: At Home in the World
Location: Killane, Edenderry
Commissioner: Offaly County Council
Carried Out: February – Sept 2011
Budget: €22,500
Commission Type: Limited Competition – Offaly Per Cent for Art Panel

Artist Ceara Conway was commissioned by Offaly County Council under the per cent for art scheme to collaborate with the residents of Killane Drive in Edenderry to create a new feature for the large green in front of their estate.

The residents were keen to create a feature which would become an interactive feature for the children who play on the green, one which would also appeal to adults while becoming a focal point for future community gatherings. The residents were keen that the artist did not propose preconceived idea , but open to working with the residents to create a more meaningful outcome. The artist began in February 2011 and held a number of discussion sessions, design workshops and workshops with children from the estate.

Ceara Conway states ‘I’ve been inspired by several things, watching the kids play has given me info on what type of space they need, and a few residents mentioned the lack of birds on the estate because the estate is so new. I find a great symbolism in this idea of creating an environment and that of creating home. Birds, nesting, bird houses, play houses, meeting areas linked with bridges, landscaping, and creating an environment for wildlife’

The installation comprises of up to 20 birdhouses, each birdhouse looks like a little house and lights up at night time. These are installed in a specially designed meeting space that’s in the shape of a bird, with seats and an area for children to play. The residents each chopse a tree to plant, there will be 39 trees in total, mostly Cherry Blossoms and Willow were chosen.

At Home in the World Press Articles

Artist Ceara Conway has been commissioned by Offaly County Council under the per cent for art scheme to work with the residents of Killane Drive in Edenderry to devise a new feature for the large green in front of their estate.
The residents were keen to create a feature which would become an interactive feature for the children who play on the green, one which would also appeal to adults while becoming a focal point for future community gatherings. Ceara’s submission focused on devising a project in collaboration with the community and the residents felt that this would provide a more meaningful outcome than a preconceived idea. The artist began in February and to date has held a number of discussion sessions, design workshops and workshops with children from the estate.
”We had a core group that met with me every Tuesday morning for a number of weeks and we arrived at a number of designs. I’ve talked with a lot of people and even given my slide show talk in people’s kitchens and I’ve spent time watching how the children use the estate.
The beginning point has been a combination of the needs of the residents plus what’s grabbed my imagination.
I’ve been inspired by several things, watching the kids play has given me info on what type of space they need, and a few residents mentioned the lack of birds on the estate because the estate is so new. I find a great symbolism in this idea of creating an environment and that of creating home. Birds, nesting, bird houses, play houses, meeting areas linked with bridges, landscaping, and creating an environment for wildlife, these are all the things we’re looking at. We’ve also been looking at the work and philosophies of the artist Friedrich Hundertwasser in the group.
We installed a number of billboards on the estate with information on the project and drawings and ideas that we’ve worked on so far and left a blank one for people to add their thoughts. I was told it created quite a stir, kids were drawing ideas on it and it generated discussions amongst the adults.
As the project progresses, I’m getting a clearer sense as to the level of participation, I was concerned about this initially, but I’m now seeing that I’m engaging on many levels ,whither through chats on the estate or workshops.
All of our materials for the landscaping will be sourced from Edenderry.
We’ve finalised a design now, it will comprise of an installation of up to 20 birdhouses, each birdhouse will look like a little house and will light up at night time. These will be installed in a specially designed meeting space that’s in the shape of a bird, with seats and an area for children to play. The residents each choose a tree to plant, there will be 39 trees in total, mostly Cherry Blossoms and Willow were chosen. It won’t be a green area anymore; it’ll be a pink area!
On June the 25th were holding a tree planting day for the residents followed by a picnic.
We are looking at having it complete by the end of August 2011, time enough to enjoy the nice weather we get in September.

To see other examples of Ceara Conway’s Public Art Work see:
Ceara Conway Public Artist: Facebook
Killane Drive Public Art Project 2011: Facebook