Reference Number | Date Recieved | Applicant | Development Location | Development Description | Decision |
DEC 25/2 | 15/01/2025 | Harmony Residential Care | Ballindrennan, Kilcormac, Co. Offaly, R42 PY22. | Whether the change of use from residential to residential care facility for children at risk, including those with learning difficulties is or is not development, is or is not exempted development | Is Development, Is Exempted Development |
DEC 25/3 | 17/01/2025 | The Board of Management of Scoil Bhride | Scoil Bhride Girls National School, Kilbeggan Road, Clara, Co. Offaly R35 WP04 | Whether the energy fabric upgrade to an existing school which comprises of: The provision of external wall insulation; External window/door rooflight replacement; MVHR installation including external vents; Solar PV installation; Air-source heat pump installation including external compound & Electric car charging points is or is not development and if so is it or is it not exempted development | Is Development and Is Exempted Development |
DEC 25/4 | 15/01/2025 | Didean Dochas Eireann Teoranta | 3 Chancery Park Downs, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 A0C0 | Whether use of a dwelling as a residence for a single family of International Protection Applicants constitutes developmnet and whether, if it does, it can be considered exempted development | Does Not Constitute Development |
DEC 25/5 | 20/01/2025 | Roger Commins | 97 St. Cormac’s Park, Kilcormac, Co. Offaly | Whether the exterior insulation to property covering brickwork constitutes development and whether if it does, it can be considered exempted development | Is Development and Is Exempted Development |
DEC 25/6 | 21/01/2025 | Didean Dochas Eireann Teoranta | 120 Ballin Rí, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 H5C7 | Whether use of a dwelling as a residence for a single family of International Protection Applicants constitutes development and whether, if it does, it can be considered exempted development | Does Not Constitute Development |
DEC 25/7 | 21/01/2025 | Didean Dochas Eireann Teoranta | 14 Grand Canal Court, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 X7R8. | Whether use of a dwelling as a residence for a single family of International Protection Applicants constitutes development and whether, if it does, it can be considered exempted development | Does Not Constitute Development |
DEC 25/8 | 23/01/2025 | Brian O’Carroll | Ely House, Shannonbridge, Co. Offaly, N37 A400 | Whether (a) the use of the property as a B&B/Guesthouse prior to 2004 constituted a lawful use for planning purposes and (b) the continued use of the property as a B&B/Guesthouse since 2004 is or is not development, is or is not exempted development | (a) Is Development and Is Not Exempted Development (b) Is Development and Is Not Exempted Development |
DEC 25/9 | 22/01/2025 | Patrick and Annette Egan | Clonlyon Glebe, Belmont, Co. Offaly, R42 R298 | Whether or not the replacing of 3 no. steel clad sheds with combined floor area of 46.09sqm with a single clad storgae shed of 45.57sqm is or is not development, and is or is not exempted development | Is Development, Is Not Exempted Development |
DEC 25/10 | 23/01/2025 | Michael Hogan | Emmel West, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary, E53 VE44. Note: Address as per is Emmel West, Cloughjordan, Co. Offaly, E53 VE44) | Whether or not the renovation of existing vacant dwelling to habitable condition is or is not development and is or is not exempted development | Is Development, Is Exempted Development |
DEC 25/11 | 27/01/2025 | Michael Hyland on behalf of Geashill National School | Geashill National School, Geashill, Co. Offaly, W25 3E4 | Whether or not the renovations and upgrade of national school is or is not development, and is or is not exempted development | Is Development, Is Exempted Development |
DEC 25/12 | 29/01/2025 | Pauline McKenna on behalf of Sacred Heart School | Sacred Heart School, Daingean Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 K061 | Whether or not the renovations and upgrade to an existing school which comprises of: Replacement of existing external windows and doors; Repainting the facade; Installation of insulated external render; Installation of ventilation hoods on the external facade to serve the internal classroom MVHR units of the original block of the school; Installation of an air source heat pump & EV dual car charging outlet is or is not development, and is or is not exempted development | Is Development and Is Exempted Development |
DEC 25/13 | 30/01/2025 | Anthony Cocoman | Ballykilleen, Shean, Edenderry, Co. Offaly | Whether or not the levelling of agricultural lands by the importation of soil and stone materials under Article 27 declaration is or is not development and is or is not exempted development. | Is Development and Is Not Exempted Development |
DEC 25/14 | 04/02/2025 | Fiona and Joe Breen | Green Street, Birr, Co. Offaly, R42 VC56 | Whether or not a rear ground floor extension to a dwelling is or is not development and is or is not exempted development | Is Development, Is Exempted Development |
DEC 25/25 | 07/02/2025 | Peter and Molly Leonard | Ballykeenaghan, Rahan, Tullamore, co. Offaly, R35 R820 | Whether or not a residential extension to the rear and a first floor extension to the side of existing dwelling is or is not development, is or is not exempted development | Is Development, Is Not Exempted Development |
DEC 25/26 | 10/02/2025 | Gary Pillion | Cloncraff, Ballinahown, Co. Offaly, N37 NX61 | Whether external wrapping, install underfloor heating, new windows, doors and heat pump is or is not development and is or is not exempted development. | Is Development, Is Exempted Development |
DEC 25/32 | 14/02/2025 | Paul Conroy | Arden Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 X768 | Whether or not renovations of existing dwelling which comprises of: Renewal of facia and rainwater goods; Blocking up of one number windows to rear of property; Installation of patio doors to rear of property; Reconfigure internal layout by means of studded partition walls; Refurbishment of bathroom and provision of additional bathroom; Re-wiring and secondar fix carpentry & Replacement of kitchen cabinets is or is not development and is or is not exempted development. | Is Development, Is Exempted Development |